I’m Br. James

In 1960 I was born in a polygamous family, being the elder boy in the family, I used to go to church with my Mom (since every mom had their own church), but my Dad was not interested in church.

In 1996 our church sponsored me to take some courses at the Day Star University in Nairobi. Here I met an elderly woman who shared a tract with me from the Faith Builders Fellowship. After some time I wrote for more information and came into contact with our Sister Chai who sent me booklets and questions. The two booklets were difficult to understand but with the Lord’s help I was able to answer the questions well.

I was baptized in 2015 in the River Nzoia near Kitale, and from that time I have been studying the Word of Truth and with the help of the holy Spirit I am growing and progressing in the “Narrow Way” I am very courageous and not regretting to be a member of the Truth Seekers and Propagators.

I am the husband of one wife for 39 years, and together we have three grown children.


Thursday Night Zoom Meetings

I participate in Organizing the Thursday Zoom meetings by choosing the speakers and allowing many different brethren to participate in this way.

My goals for the Thursday night meetings is to reach out to brothers and sisters, to have fellowship together and discuss in depth God’s Divine Plan, and to give opportunities for participation so that brothers and sisters can know one another and give them the opportunity to interact.

Nairobi Ecclessia

PO Box 2275-00202

K N H Nairobi





+254 7223 65177

What I have been up to

Recently I visited Siaya and Busia by request of three brothers: Brs. Raphael, Alois and David.

Br. Raphael is our longtime friend and fellow consecrated Bible Student. I was blessed to help lead him to the Truth. He has a great zeal to study the Truth and is mentoring two different congregations. I met the two brothers he is working with and shared with them God’s Grand Plan and some GSGTSC newsletters.

I also happened to visit a sister who used to meet with us, but had to relocate to her rural home in Rarieda Bondo.

I was hosted by Br. David, whom I had met in 2019. He consecrated in 2019 at a convention in Migori. Br. David paid me a visit earlier this year and I promised to come visit him. He had a great zeal for the Truth when I visited him. He took me to three ecclesias that he is assisting as they grow in the Truth.

I could not meet with Br. Alois because of his medical issues. He also consecrated and was baptized at the Migori convention in 2019.

During my visit I concentrated much in teaching Habakkuk 2:2, vows, our morning resolve, and 7 tests of truth. I divided my teachings into 4 sections. The response was quite good and many participants who had doubts on our teachings were very assured of our beliefs, which drove out their fears about what we were teaching.



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