I’m Br. Epa

I am Epa Wekati from Bungoma, Western Kenya. I am a retired school teacher who taught in many schools in Kenya.

I have a family, wife and grown up children.

            The Salvation Army was my dad’s church and I was born and bred in that protestant church. During my childhood days I interacted with the seventh Day Adventist Roman Catholic and Muslims. Being an officer’s (pastor’s) child I would not be allowed to go to any other church but I would sneak to go and attend. I learned many things that were different from my church and that increased my curiosity.

            When I grew up and was through with my early schooling, I got a job in Nairobi. Here I was able to interact with many different denominations.


            Mr. Humphreys K., a Bible student came to my house one evening. He introduced me to what I considered a systematic way of studying the Bible. What interested me most was the topic Where Are Our Dead Friends and Relatives. He destroyed the TRINITY by quoting John 17:3 and other Bible passages. I got to learn about the soul and hell. From that time on I became interested in the Bible more and read any literature on Bible study coming my way.

When Facebook came alive on phones, I used it to engage on Bible study with different groups. Here is where I met Bro Larry Davis. We later had interaction with the likes of Kelvin M., Jesse M., and David M.

During a convention in Kitale, I was able to meet bro Joe D. and Bill D. – later I met the others who have been a source of added value to matters of Bible study.

When Bill and Joe left,  I got many soft copy study materials. Being an adept reader, I have read about Faith, Trinity Harvests of the Bible, Understanding Prophecy and Why Does God Permit Evil. I am armed with Volume 1- 6; The Divine Plan of Ages, Time Is At Hand, The Kingdom Come, The Battle of Armageddon, The Atonement Between God and Man in the New Creation.

I also make use of The Daily Heavenly Manna Including Songs in the Night.

 Hymn of Dawn graces my library as well as the Photo – Drama of Creation.  – Science, History and Philosophy.

 With the Bible Resources App on my smartphone, there is no lack of a wealth of study materials.

What the Classes Study

Initially, the classes start by going through the Grand Plan of the Ages Chart – based on Habakuk 2:2. The Epoch Days based on the scriptures are looked at (Genesis 1-2, 3, 6-8; 11 – 15, 22, 26, 28, 46) The History of Israel and the kingdom under Saul, David, Solomon to the end of it under Zedekiah – Ezekiel 21:25 – 27. The fall of the Kingdom and the nation that came after as outlined in Daniel. The emphasis is not the chart but scripture.

The Tabernacle is an important study to us – Gal 1:4 as opposed to the 1st world which was destroyed by the flood – 2 Pet 3:6

We present to the audience the realities of the invisible presence of the master since 1874 by what is seen through the time of trouble witnessed in a bigger scene in 1914 and continues.   People are given hope through the work of redemption by the first coming of Christ – 1 Timothy 2: 5 – 6).

The great coming – Isa 2:2-4; 11:9, 35:8; Rev 21:4

We urge those willing to hear to consecrate themselves by showing it publicly by being immersed and living the life worth the change of heart.

Presenting their bodies as living sacrifices and not to be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of their minds – Romans 12 : 1 – 21

The reality of the wheat and tares growing  together is presented (Mathew 13:24 – 30).

Those willing to attend our classes across Kenya can reach us through Epa Wekati


Tel. +254712927618

Email: wekatiepa@gmail.com

Epa Wekati

P.OBOX 1480 – 50200







What I have been up to


Translation work which was first initiated by Bro Joe D. has been of great help to me as an Individual. The work of spreading the Gospel through a language our people can understand helps me also go through the study as I translate several articles. One major work that I have done for the brotherhood has been the translation of God’s Grand Plan of Ages. Work which was started by a group of Brethren who assembled at Chwele, Bungoma. The team was made up of brethren James Owuor, Kelvin M., Raphael O., Zablon and Epa Wekati. We had a technical team that served well too – Reagan and Brenda. Tom was instrumental in setting the ball rolling. It is undergoing a process for a second edition through the efforts of the others and Tom. Epa and Boaz Juma looked at the work.

There are many other pamphlets and leaflets that I have and are being translated. Makes me do a lot of study as I go through the materials and scriptures.


I try to attend all zoom meetings notified. We have many good talks available from brethren across the world. In Kenya at the moment, we have a Thursday night Zoom Meeting and another on Friday. Saturday morning has zoom meeting for sisters. Interacting with other brethren helps to enlighten and sharpen us.

Whatsapp, Facebook and Youtube are put to good use.


At the moment I have several active classes in my part of the country: Chwele, and Bungoma town classes; Chepkube, Cheptais, Burur,  Huruma and Kipsigon up in the Mt. Elgon area; Lwandanyi at the border with Uganda. Another class is at Sirisia at the home of Timothy W.. Nakhosi,  Kiminini at the home of Sis Everlyne N.. Nalondo at the home of Sis Janerose T.. And I go as far as Twiga (Hellen), Mwamba (Samuel) and Suam (Dan) classes to lend a hand.

I have a class in Mumias (Francis K.’s place). Everlyn N. is at Nambacha, Kakamega.


The Kaene Radio is an up coming Radio Station based in the Western part of Kenya covering My Elgon mainly. The frequency is 88.6Fm. It is better known as IMANI RADIO to local listeners. Imani means faith.

How God Opened a Way

Our activities on the internet and visits to various classes in this part of the country seems to have caught the eye of a radio presenter.

He tried to reach me while I was in Malawi without success so he approached Br Larry Davis. This is be Steven. This is what he said to him:
“Any number of Bro EPA Wakati I host him this week”.

BR Larry got in touch by saying:
“McLaren Steven Nyongesa has the radio program, please contact him… Please contact this br. He has a radio program and would like you to present a message.”

This is how God opened a way to the gospel outreach. Here is a forwarded message from Steven:

“I follow them and wish to support their work they post on Facebook that reaches few people. The teachings are good but minimal audience hinders its spread. Am creating a show for them on radio that will reach thousands of people at ago and increase the number of audience at given time. This will reduce cost of travelling, hosting and teaching staff and accommodation. Radio lessons is becoming new way of mass education. Phone calls and texted questions are send to main production room. I will volunteer to be production manager of the lessons both live and recorded.”

I contacted him and we started communicating on how we can go about it. You travel to get to the studio. An alternative way is to get enough airtime and be able to use the phone in future if we get to make it more frequent to minimise cost of traveling.
We get a passage and get listeners to give their views on the same. Tochy topics are to be suggested and see how they are tackled.

We will continue with the Radio program each week between 1pm and 4pm. With 15-50 minutes’ airtime, God willing.